The AHEAD team would like to invite you to join the official launch of the new Health Workforce Projects Cluster on the European Health Policy Platform.
The aim of this network is to provide supporting tools, practical guidelines and to improve sharing of best practices that can help Member States to design and implement their policies related to health workforce retention, task-shifting and tackling regional medical deserts. Contribution from key stakeholders to the policy dialogue is essential to advance on these challenging issues.
The Health Workforce Projects Cluster covers five EU co-funded projects under the umbrella of the 3rd Health Programme. The projects focus on three key topics – medical deserts, task shifting and retention policies – that will be investigated thoroughly in the coming years.
Projects of the Health Workforce Projects Cluster:
- Action for Health and Equity – Addressing medical Deserts: AHEAD
- MEnTal hEalth: fOcus on Retention of healthcare workers: METEOR
- prOmoting evidence-bASed rEformS: OASES
- Empowering EU health policies on Task SHIfting: TaSHI
- A Roadmap OUT of mEdical deserts into supportive Health WorkForce initiatives and policies: ROUTE-HWF
Register now following this LINK
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More information and the AGENDA you will find HERE