The AHEAD team consists of six organisations based in Italy, Moldova, the Netherlands, Romania and Serbia. Our organisations bring together decades of expertise in the field of health and health workforce policy, and experience in research, including participatory methodologies, communication and media, social accountability, civic participation and policy advice.
We have a shared interest to investigate medical deserts in several Eastern European countries (Romania, Serbia and Moldova) as well as in several Western European countries (the Netherlands and Italy). And most importantly, we share a common vision to realise health for all.

Meet the team
About the organisations
Cittadinanzattiva (Italy)
Cittadinanzattiva’s main objectives are the promotion of civic participation and the protection of citizens’ rights in Italy and in Europe thanks to its European branch Active Citizenship Network. It considers citizens as a fundamental resource for democracy, playing an active role in society with an opportunity to participate in everyday policy-making.
Visit the website here.
National School of Public Health Management – NSPHM (Moldova)

National School of Public Health Management (NSPHM) is an organization oriented toward national and European values, public health and management. NSPHM’s mission is to promote standards, methods, educational technologies and modern management in order to improve the quality, efficiency and performance of the public health system in Moldova.
Visit the website here.
VU Athena Institute (The Netherlands)

VU Athena Institute believes that science should contribute to a healthy, inclusive and sustainable world. We aim to do so by analysing and integrating diverse stakeholder perspectives and enabling joint action.
Visit the website here.
Wemos (The Netherlands) – lead organisation
As an independent civil society organisation, Wemos seeks to improve public health worldwide, through evidence-building, coalition-building and advocacy activities. Wemos works with (inter)national networks of civil society organisations to reinforce joint messages.
Visit the website here.
Center for Health Policies and Services – CHPS (Romania)

The Foundation Center for Health Policies and Services (CHPS) activity focuses on the improvement of the health system functions and outcomes, the encouragement of social dialogue and community participation, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and patient empowerment.
Visit the website here.
Media Education Center – MEC (Serbia)

The mission of the Media Education Centre is to promote the role of Media and Information Literacy in the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life.
Visit the website here.