AHEAD Newsletter – February 2022

AHEAD Newsletter – February 2022

Save the date: Webinar on fighting access to health inequalities by improving health worker retention and task shifting policies on March 29

On March 29th, 2022 (2:30-4:30 PM Brussels time), the Health Workforce Projects Cluster will organise its second webinar. During the webinar ‘Fighting access to health inequalities by improving health worker retention and task shifting policies’, the five Cluster projects will share their progress so far, focusing on the findings from literature review and applying varying methodologies that the projects are implementing. Mirela Mustata and Dana Farcasanu (Centre for Health Policies and Services, Bucharest) will present findings on behalf of the AHEAD project.

Besides the speakers from each project, the Cluster also invited several external speakers. The webinar will be opened by Miklós Szócska – Director, Semmelweis University, Health Services Management Training Centre and Andrzej Rys – Director Health systems, medical products and innovation, DG SANTE, European Commission. The keynote speakers will be Sarada Das, from Standing Committee of European Doctors, who will present their updated workforce strategy, followed by Heather L. Rogers, (Biocruces Bizkaia Heath Research Institute) with an intervention on the mental health opinion of the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health.

We are also excited to hear reflections from Ber Oomen, Executive Director of ESNO (European Specialist Nurses Organisation).

Maya Matthews, Head of Unit Performance of Health Systems, DG SANTE, will conclude and close the webinar, with some reflections from DG SANTE.

The Health Workforce Projects Cluster consists of five EU co-funded projects under the umbrella of the 3rd Health Programme. The projects focus on three key topics – medical deserts, task shifting and retention policies:

  • Action for Health and Equity – Addressing Medical Deserts: AHEAD
  • MEnTal hEalth: fOcus on Retention of healthcare workers: METEOR
  • prOmoting evidence-bASed rEformS: OASES
  • Empowering EU health policies on Task SHIfting: TaSHI
  • A Roadmap OUT of mEdical deserts into supportive Health WorkForce initiatives and policies: ROUTE-HWF

With this exciting agenda, we hope you will join us on the 29th of March!
Please follow this link to register for the webinar.

On March 1st, 2022, the OASES project will organise its first anniversary webinar on ‘the role of health workforce data to identify medical deserts’. Please visit OASES’ website for more information and registration.

AHEAD: in full research mode

From autumn 2021 onwards, the AHEAD partners have been busy conducting the in-country research and engaging with their stakeholders in project countries.

This stakeholder engagement is aimed at learning about the lived experiences of affected communities and health workers in medical deserts areas. This will help us validate our working definition of medical deserts that we developed earlier in 2021:

“Medical deserts imply the inability of a given population (and / or a population group) to access health services, or the state of isolation when it comes to receiving health services, based on three categories of quantitative and qualitative barriers (‘dimensions’), which are interrelated and dependent on each other, in varying degrees and modalities.”

These barriers are: (1) physical barriers, (2) social barriers and (3) policy barriers. Read more on our website.

Furthermore, we will be circulating surveys and conducting focus group discussions in spring this year.  If you are working in remote areas or are interested to find out more about AHEAD’s research, please get in touch via the contact us form on the AHEAD website.


What we’re reading

Lots of new publications on medical deserts and health workforce reforms are being published every day. Have a look at the list below to see what we’re reading!

Australian Journal of Rural Health – relevant for our research on medical deserts: Australian Journal of Rural Health: Vol 29, No 5

A Doctor’s Tour de France, One ‘Medical Desert’ at a Time’ – New York Times article (note: from August 2021)

State of Health in the EU: companion report 2021 – Project country reports: for Netherlands, Italy, Romania

Health workforce protection and preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a tool for the rapid assessment of EU health systems

CPME’s new policy on health workforce (November 2021), to be presented by Sarada Das during the March 29 webinar

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AHEAD-Media Education Centre, Obilicev venac 21, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Copyright © 2021 AHEAD, all rights reserved

Number of nurses per 10 K population

This is a map of Serbia by municipalities (LAU1 level) showing the total number of nurses and midwives per 10,000 population in 2020, colour coded from light green (from less than 25) to dark blue (to over 400).

This indicator shows the physical availability of nurses and midwives to the population in the specific municipality, as one of potential indicators of medical desertification, and might become part of the index for medical desertification which will be formulated throughout research activities, between October 2021 and May 2022.

The municipalities with the lowest number of nurses and midwives per 10,000 population are Mali Iđoš, Bački Petrovac, Bač, Titel i Srbobran. The number of nurses and midwives per 10,000 population in these municipalities ranges from 15 to 16.

Eventually, a mouse-over or clicking on a municipality will also present additional information about that municipality, such as the size of the population, it’s demographic composition or the percentage of unmet health needs. Also, information from our in-country research will be included as we go along.

The source of data is the Institute of Public Health of Serbia. Health Statistical Yearbook 2020. Belgrade: IPHS, 2021.


Number of specialists per 10K population

This is a map of Serbia by municipalities (LAU1 level) showing the number of specialist physicians per 10,000 population in 2020, colour coded from light green (from less than 5) to dark blue (to over 70).

This indicator shows the physical availability of specialist physicians to the population in the specific municipality, as one of potential indicators of medical desertification, and might become part of the index for medical desertification which will be formulated throughout research activities, between October 2021 and May 2022.

The municipalities with the lowest number of specialist physicians per 10,000 population are Sečanj, Čoka, Trgovište, Mionica, and Sopot. The number of specialist physicians per 10,000 population in these municipalities ranges from 1 to 2.

Eventually, a mouse-over or clicking on a municipality will also present additional information about that municipality, such as the size of the population, it’s demographic composition or the percentage of unmet health needs. Also, information from our in-country research will be included as we go along.

The source of data is the Institute of Public Health of Serbia. Health Statistical Yearbook 2020. Belgrade: IPHS, 2021.


Number of GPs per 10 K population

This is a map of Serbia by municipalities (LAU1 level) showing the total number of general practitioners per 10,000 population over 20 years old in 2020, colour coded from light green (from less than 5) to dark green (to over 87).

This indicator shows the physical availability of general practitioners to the population in the specific municipality, as one of potential indicators of medical desertification, and might become part of the index for medical desertification which will be formulated throughout research activities, between October 2021 and May 2022.

The municipalities with the lowest number of general practitioners per 10,000 population over 20 years old are Bela Palanka, Brus, Despotovac, Babušnica, and Gadžin Han. The number of general practitioners per 10,000 population over 20 years old in these municipalities ranges from 1 to 2. Mouse-over or clicking on a municipality presents also the number of people over 20 years old per GP in that municipality.

Eventually, a mouse-over or clicking on a municipality will also present additional information about that municipality, such as the size of the population, it’s demographic composition or the percentage of unmet health needs. Also, information from our in-country research will be included as we go along.

The source of data is the Institute of Public Health of Serbia. Health Statistical Yearbook 2020. Belgrade: IPHS, 2021.

Italy Map 6

This is a map of Italy showing the number of Rural Pharmacies per province. It is a possible indicator of healthcare access, color-coded from light yellow (the lowest number is 4) to dark blue (the highest number is 182).

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